I'm Ashley Jeffs

Also known as Jeffail

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I'm a software engineer

I've been software engineering the heck out of this world for more than a decade, patiently awaiting my replacement by AI.

Almost my entire career has been dedicated to the world of data stream processing, and living off my open source project called Benthos, which I eventually sold. My full story is on the about page.

Nowadays? I do whatever I want*.

* No, that's not the case at all. Not even close.

I like to make videos

Videos are an extremely effective way to trick people into checking out my other content. It's almost exclusively why my open source work became popular.

I also use videos as a way to express my deeply repressed emotional states, allowing my subconscious self to vent and, perhaps one day, even heal. Haha, just kidding. I'm dead inside.

Here's the latest one, and you can find more on the videos page.


Developing on the Apple Vision

My experience developing on the Apple Vision (13).

Developing on the Apple Vision

Bland Platforms: Message Reliability

Looking at some compromises and their impacts.

I also like to write blogs

Frankly, blog posts are boring and very rarely helpful. The types of people who enjoy blogs are unattractive, uninteresting and perhaps even criminal. I hate them.

However, if you enjoy blog posts then I have great news as I have written my fair share. Maybe some of this content is enough to satisfy your strange appetite.

This is the latest one right here, and you can find more on the blogs page.